Monday, September 10, 2012

Talking Pictures

Art Rhode Island's Martina Windels will host two public screenings of episodes from the new season of Art Rhode Island (Art RI), followed by conversations with the audience.

Please note the start time has changed to 7 P.M. for both screenings.

"Art Education" will be screened on Wednesday, September 12, at the Chace Center at the RISD Museum. In the episode, three art educators introduce their programs and discuss art education in Rhode Island. They take a look at the role art education plays in teaching subjects other than art, such as the development of essential skills and creative problem solving skills. Art education is often cut from public school budgets because it is not part of the core curriculum, but are non-profit arts organizations in Providence and beyond equipped to provide an appropriate substitute for the missing art education in public schools? Paul Sproll explains RISD’s President John Maeda’s STEAM* (versus STEM) initiative. Guests are:
  • Sarah Ganz Blythe, director of education at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Museum of Art
  • Barbara Wong, the executive director at City Art and member of the Providence school board 
  • Paul Sproll, Professor at RISD, Department of Teaching and Learning in Art and Design
*Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

On Wednesday, September 19, at the Granoff Center for the Arts at Brown University, "Art Museums and Art Centers" examines the role of art museums in the community and in the larger context of the role of art in our lives, and why art matters. Guests are:
  • John Smith, director of the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art 
  • Lisa Goddard, director of the Newport Art Museum 
  • Richard Fishman, director of the Brown University Creative Arts Council.
 Both events are free and open to the public. Bring your friends, colleagues, family ­– spread the word.