Spring Auction Day 1
Station personnel are buzzing around making sure things are in place for today's Day 1 of the 2008 Rhode Island PBS Spring Auction.
I can see it on our auction director's face - even after the many weeks (OK, it's actually been months) of long hours and hard work, Jeff Hartley has about him an exhilaration that's simply contagious. The quality of the auction items, the quantity and dollar amount of early online bids, and the purpose for which he and so many others have been working - has all come together and is ready to roll.
And what a way to roll! By 5:30 tonight, after the office staff has gone home, the quiet station will begin filling with the raucous laughter and friendly greetings of dozens of volunteers of all ages - many of whom have worked the auction together for years. Good food, great companions, and the excitement and tension of a live broadcast all contribute to a buoyant, carnival-like atmosphere. And with the dynamic personalities of the dedicated volunteers, guest auctioneers, and staff, you can always count on a few surprises. Hartley's Law: It is much easier to get serious work accomplished when the workers are happy. : )
Find what fits, at the Rhode Island PBS Spring Auction. Day 1 of the televised auction begins tonight at 7.