WSBE Rhode Island PBS Airs Jewish Heritage Films in 3-Week Series
In honor of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) celebrated this weekend, WSBE Rhode Island PBS presents a 3-week Wednesday night series of Jewish heritage films, beginning tonight.
THE JEWISH AMERICANS (8 PM), a three-part documentary series written and directed by the Emmy Award-winning filmmaker David Grubin, examines the struggle of a tiny minority to make its way into the American mainstream. While the story of Jewish life in America is emblematic of the American immigrant story, it is also a unique story of ongoing discrimination and stereotyping, coupled with some of the most remarkable accomplishments in American history, the arts, commerce, science and academia.
Part 1, "They Came to Stay/A World of Their Own" airs tonight. Part 2, "The Best of Times, The Worst of Times" airs September 23. Part 3, "Home" airs September 30, all starting at 8 PM.
At 10 PM tonight (September 16), we air KITKA AND DAVKA IN CONCERT Old World and New World Jewish Music.
"It’s a joy to hear the beauty and feel the cultural richness of Kitka & Davka in Concert, an attractively composed presentation of old and new Jewish music. While the production is obviously lifted by the power and depth of the music, it’s the skill of the filmmaker and production team that brings the experience to life..."
OK, so it's not exactly the right time of year, but the story is so timeless and delightful, we want to share it with you again.
With all the wonderful chaos of preparing for a large gathering of extended family, The Gefilte Fish Chronicles honors the rich tradition of Pesach (Passover) with an intimate and candid look at the Dubroff family preparing for Seder. But don't be misled - no matter what your heritage is, you will find your own family members among these charming and feisty storytellers.
"Don't Just Stand There… Cook!"Led by the three surviving sisters, Sophie Patasnik, Peppy Barer, and Rosie Groman, traditional preparations are made for the Seder at Peppy's home in Newburgh, NY. Six weeks before the Seder they shop and chop, taste and season. Using recipes nearly a century old, they begin to put together the gefilte fish, cholent, horse radish, and sponge cake.
"Don't Just Sit There… Eat!"The Gefilte Fish Chronicles in a funny, touching, and universally familiar story of love, of tradition, and of generational family unity - and it's reality television the way it should be. This is a loving, living photo album.
"I've heard it said many times, and it's the truth:
The family that sits around the table together,
stays together. And we have many tables."
Find WSBE Rhode Island PBS over the air on digital 36.1; Cox/Verizon/Full Channel 08; DirecTV 36; Dish Network 7776; ComCast subscribers, please check local listings for the channel number in your area.